Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Elementary, My Dear Patron

I love Sherlock Holmes.  I own the full collection and read through it every couple of years.  What I also love, then, are reading other variations of Sherlock Holmes.

I recently discovered the series "The Boy Sherlock Holmes," and I love it!  The author, Shane Peacock, imagines Sherlock as a boy and does an amazing job of explaining how Holmes became a detective, as well as other things you may have always wondered about him as you read the original stories.  For example:

- Why does Holmes never talk about his parents?  He can't have appeared out of thin air.
- How did he find and organize his Baker Street Irregulars?
- Did he go to college?
- How on earth did he become a boxer, of all things?
- Why does he choose not to become close to anyone (except, arguably, Watson)?
- And much, much more!

In addition to the fascination of the information about Holmes, the mysteries are excellent.  I always think I have them figured out, but a twist and a turn later I find I was way off.

The first book in the series is Eye of the Crow.  I would recommend reading them in order.

If you're interested in Sherlock Holmes, I also recommend:

- The "Enola Holmes" series (first book: Case of the Missing Marquess) by Nancy Springer.  This series imagines that Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes have a younger sister.  She kicks butt.

- For older readers, I recommend the "Mary Russell" series by Laurie King (first book: The Beekeeper's Apprentice) in which Holmes takes on an apprentice after he retires.

- When it comes to TV, the premiere series about Sherlock Holmes right now is Sherlock, starring Benedict Cumberbatch (who was recently in the movie Star Trek Into Darkness).  The BBC produces it, and there are currently two seasons available on DVD, with season 3 due to start airing soon.

Are there any other variations of Sherlock Holmes that you love?  Books, movies, TV shows?  Share them in the comments section.

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