Thursday, August 29, 2013

Harry Potter Birthday Party

On July 31st, we celebrated the birth of the Boy Who Lived in style!

After being sorted into houses, we made our own wands, munched on Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, had a trivia contest, and made our own Butterbeer floats. They tasted pretty magical if I do say so myself! We ended the bash by taking about a million pictures of ourselves decked out in Hogwarts-worthy attire. Check 'em out here.

I'd love to have more Harry Potter programs in the future! Let me know if you have ideas. Send me an owl (or an email) at

Saturday, August 17, 2013

End of Summer Reading

The end of the 2013 Teen Summer Reading Challenge is fast approaching.

The last day to turn in your Summer Reading Challenge Sheet is next Wednesday, August 21. (Let me know if that is a problem for you though because I can be a little bit flexible.)

Be sure to join us for the End of Summer Extravaganza next Thursday, August 22 from 3-5 in the Program Room. We will be announcing the winner of the Grand Prize Raffle! Come find out if you won a Kindle! We will also have a special guest--henna artist Amanda Roberge will be here providing free temporary henna tattoos! There will be snacks, games and more. It's going to be awesome!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Fantastic Reader

I don't know about you, but an audiobook reader can make a book extra great or absolutely destroy it.  Happily, I just listened to one of the best audiobooks I've heard in a long while.

"Carter's Big Break," written by Brent Crawford and read by Nick Podehl, was terrific!  This was actually the second book in a series.  However, Crawford was so clever in his writing that I would never have known this was a series if Jessica hadn't told me.  But it's really Podehl who made the book.  His reading was the best and funniest representation of a character I've ever heard.  I often listen to audiobooks while I'm out walking around town, and I felt like an idiot laughing out loud like a maniac, but I couldn't stop!

What's it about?  It's summer, and Carter is psyched that his freshman year is over.  He's really excited about summer: he has a great girlfriend, and he and "his boys" have fun plans.  He was talked into doing a musical his freshman year, and, unbelievably, the drama teacher tells him he should try out for a movie being filmed in town.  He does, and snags the lead role!  He'll be acting alongside the most famous movie star in the country: Hillary Idaho.  Of course, there is no way the experience can go well, so Carter has to make his way through many trials and tribulations.

By the way, Jessica loved this audiobook as much as I did.  In fact, she loved Nick Podehl's reading so much she plans to listen to every audiobook he has read.

As a side note, you may be wondering if I am walking around town with a big ol' discman.  Nope!  The library has Playaways.  They are fantastic.  They are tiny mp3 players pre-loaded with a book.  They can fit in a pocket.  I love them.  Give them a try.

Who is your favorite audiobook reader?  Let us know in the comments.